This five-minute video, cut down from a longer documentary, explores the work of two South African researchers, Rebecca Helman and Kopano Ratele. They have conducted interviews, ethnographic observations, and a survey into gender inequality, equality, and violence. Their work seeks to not only grasp and show how inequality is thought of and manifests in homes, but how egalitarian families understand equality and inequality, do equality, and raise children toward a more egalitarian, healthier, and nonviolent society.
This five-minute video, cut down from a longer documentary, explores the work of two South African researchers, Rebecca Helman and Kopano Ratele. They have conducted interviews, ethnographic observations, and a survey into gender inequality, equality, and violence. Their work seeks to not only grasp and show how inequality is thought of and manifests in homes, but how egalitarian families understand equality and inequality, do equality,...Read More
Visit Link Source: National Research Foundation, University of South Africa's Institute for Social and Health Sciences, and the South African Medical Research Council