This film follows Dominique Gonçalves, a Mozambican ecologist who runs the Gorongosa elephant ecology project at Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, which redefines the identity and purpose of an African national park. From her work mitigating human/elephant conflict; to community clubs and school programs that empower girls to avoid teen marriage and pregnancy; to health clinics and nutrition training for expectant mothers and families, viewers understanding of what a national park can be when conservation and community development combine will be transformed.
This film follows Dominique Gonçalves, a Mozambican ecologist who runs the Gorongosa elephant ecology project at Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, which redefines the identity and purpose of an African national park. From her work mitigating human/elephant conflict; to community clubs and school programs that empower girls to avoid teen marriage and pregnancy; to health clinics and nutrition training for expectant mothers and families, viewers understanding...Read More