This report provides evidence that Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) and the "Data to Action" model contribute to policy change to end violence. The VACS data, and associated processes to use the data, provide evidence that violence against children and adolescents is a knowable, solvable problem. The data also provide the foundation for developing interventions that work and measuring progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development GoalsRead More
“With Money, I’m the Queen”: Integrated Cash and Gender-Based Violence Programming for IPV Survivors in Guayaquil, Ecuador
This evaluation report, and an accompanying evaluation summary, shares findings from a program which aimed to strengthen the capacity of gender-based violence service providers to leverage cash and voucher assistance within case management services in the prevention of and response to intimate partner violence for migrant, refugee, and local populations in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The evaluation report and summary are also available in Spanish. Read More
Women’s Resilience in Fiji: How Laws and Policies Promote Gender Equality in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Globally, women are disproportionately impacted by climate change and disasters due to gender inequalities and limited opportunities to participate in decision-making processes. Addressing this imbalance requires the integration of gender equality in laws and policies on climate change and disaster risk management. This publication shares findings from a gender analysis of Fiji’s national legal and policy frameworks and provides recommendations to help address gaps. Read More
Gender Analysis—Uganda: Refugees and Host Communities in Yumbe and Terego Districts
This gender analysis aimed to analyze and understand the current realities for women, men, girls, and boys in the Imvepi and Bidi Bidi settlements in Uganda and their current needs and capacities from a gendered lens. The analysis will also inform the programming of CARE's Strengthening Conflict and gender sensitive Community Resilience in protracted crisis (SCCR) project based on the different needs of men, boys, and women and girls in particular. Read More
Together We Decide: Using Behavioral Science to Improve Postpartum Contraceptive Uptake
This resource describes the results of IntraHealth's SupCap project, which employed a behavioral design process to develop an intervention with the goal of increasing postpartum family planning use, couples’ communication, and knowledge about contraceptive methods. The intervention targeted male partners of postpartum women and consisted of an interactive game, a child spacing planning card, and SMS messages. Read More
Financial Instruments to Strengthen Women’s Economic Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risks
Gender inequalities and limited access to resources constrain women's ability to withstand and recover from financial shocks and economic distress arising from disasters. This publication provides recommendations for policy makers and regulators, development partners, and financial service providers on facilitating the development, design, and promotion of financial products and services to address this issue. Read More