Based on a scoping study, this paper offers a landscape scan highlighting what is known about technology-facilitated violence against women, who is currently generating this knowledge, and how the evidence is being produced. The paper also highlights some of the related methodological, ethical, and sociopolitical challenges to collecting data on technology-facilitated violence against women. Read More
Partnering with Youth for Impact: Profiles of MOMENTUM Youth Partners From Across the Globe
This document, also available in French, profiles some of MOMENTUM’s dynamic youth partners working across different geographies and contexts in South Asia and West and East Africa. These partners aim to increase health knowledge and demand for health services, shift social and gender norms in their communities, improve access to quality health services, and create adolescent-responsive systems across the humanitarian-development nexus. Read More
A Roadmap for Collective Action to Enhance the Integration of Cash and Voucher Assistance Within Gender-Based Violence Programming in Northwest Syria
This case study (also available in Spanish, French, and Arabic) highlights the practical importance of coordination between cash and voucher assistance and gender-based violence (GBV) actors at all levels and shows how working in silos is detrimental to assisting to the fullest extent possible women and girls affected by GBV. It documents the conditions that led to the creation of a joint taskforce (TF) in Northwest Syria to tackle this gap and the challenges faced by the TF, as well as the programmatic and operational learning from the coordination process. Read More
Integrating Cash Assistance Into Gender-Based Violence Case Management to Support Survivors in Ninewa, Iraq
WRC and partners have developed several resources that contribute to learning on integrating cash voucher assistance within gender-based violence (GBV) programming. This case study (also available in Spanish, French, and Arabic) sheds light on the experiences of Oxfam and WEO during their partnership to implement the integration of cash transfers within GBV case management in Ninewa governorate, Iraq. Read More
Lessons Learned on Effective Prevention and Response Approaches
This synthesis report showcases recent programmatic and advocacy successes and highlights remaining knowledge and implementation gaps in GBV prevention and response and serves as a guide to those working in this community, as well as in SRHR. It summarizes the GBV Task Force’s learnings over the life of the PACE Project and, based on these learnings, suggests actions to strengthen GBV prevention and response.Read More
Lessons Learned in Gender Transformative Health Programming: A Rapid Literature Review
This research brief summarizes the methods, findings, and conclusions of a rapid literature review of systematic reviews of evaluated gender transformative health programs. It sheds light on how best to achieve gender equality and health outcomes through gender transformative programming. The brief also provides recommendations for program implementers, policy advocates, and funders for improving the effectiveness and sustainability of gender transformative health programs.Read More