This how-to note and accompanying infographic focuses on helping USAID and implementing partners who have a role in GBV programming understand how programs can achieve a survivor-centered approach. This approach upholds four guiding principles: keeping survivors safe, protecting confidentiality, demonstrating respect for survivors’ dignity and self-determination, and practicing non-discrimination. Read More
Technical Guidance
Measuring the Shadow Pandemic: Violence Against Women During COVID-19
UN Women conducted Rapid Gender Assessments in 13 countries focused on violence against women (VAW) and COVID-19, producing the first set of reliable, cross-country, and nationally representative data on topics related to VAW, women’s safety at home and in the public sphere during COVID-19, and access to resources and services. The resources from this study include the data, a report, and a technical note. Read More
Technical Paper: Accountability for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian Settings
Despite the growing numbers of persons living in humanitarian settings, including armed conflict, and the growing recognition of the need to ensure the sexual and reproductive health and rights of persons living in these contexts, gaps in the provision of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services persist. This technical paper examines obligations under international law and commitments made by states at the United Nations regarding access to SRH information and options for civilians in humanitarian settings, including in armed conflict. Read More
Bringing Gender Analysis to Life: A Four-Part Model for Learning What Works in Gender Equality and Inclusive Development
This resource shares EnCompass’ four-part model for gender analysis, brought to life through two real-world examples from activities supporting the transformation of unequal gender norms and dynamics. The first example comes from a monitoring and evaluation platform in Lebanon and the second is a gender analysis supporting a health systems strengthening project in Ethiopia.Read More
Building Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Evidence in Conflict and Refugee Settings Program
This program aims to build GBV global capacity through the local development and implementation of evidence-building activities in three major components: a free, self-paced virtual course; individualized technical advising and support to humanitarian agencies seeking to conduct GBV research or improve their monitoring and evaluation systems; and direct support of humanitarian agencies to conduct their own research and bridge knowledge gaps. Read More
Creating Equitable Access to High-Quality Family Planning Information and Services: A Strategic Planning Guide
This document is intended to guide program managers, planners, and decision makers in identifying inequities in family planning and interventions to reduce them. The guide was developed through consultation and deliberation with technical experts in family planning and health equity and builds upon the discussion paper on equity in family planning. Read More