This two-page brief succinctly answers the question “Why IS GBV Relevant to Reproductive Health?” Produced for the IGWG by Population Reference Bureau and funded by USAID, the brief outlines the sheer magnitude of GBV and its impacts on many reproductive health outcomes, including unintended pregnancy, maternal and child impacts, and STIs/HIV. It is a valuable resource in making the case quickly for policymakers everywhere.Read More
Gender-based Violence
Gender Perspectives Improve Reproductive Health Outcomes
This review assembles the latest data and updates the evidence as to what difference it makes when a gender perspective is incorporated into reproductive health programs. Read More
Addressing Gender-Based Violence Through USAID’s Health Programs: A Guide for Health Sector Program Officers (Second Edition)
This new revision of the 2006 guide, is intended to help USAID program officers integrate gender-based violence (GBV) initiatives into their health sector portfolio during project design, implementation, and evaluation. Read More
Violence Against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators
This publication, developed for the USAID East Africa Regional Mission and the IGWG by MEASURE Evaluation, focuses on VAW/G program monitoring and evaluation. Leading experts from around the world who work in the various fields of VAW/G were consulted during all stages of the development process. Read More