Limited evidence exists on the effectiveness of male engagement interventions and how they impact relationship power dynamics and women’s decisionmaking. This study assessed the impact of the Bandebereho gender-transformative couples’ intervention on multiple behavioral and health-related outcomes influenced by gender norms and power relations.Read More
Gendered Impacts of Bullying on Mental Health Among Adolescents in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
This brief investigates the associations between bullying, violence, and other risk and protective factors that contribute to poor mental health among in-school adolescent girls and boys, specifically the gendered drivers of poor mental health and its association with other health and development outcomes, such as substance use, sexual activity, violence, and suicide.Read More
UN Women Training Centre, Self-Paced Courses
More than 25 self-paced, gender-related courses are delivered online and can be accessed using a computer anywhere in the world. This type of course is mainly interactive and can include video, audio, or animations to enhance the learning experience.Read More
The Prevention Collaborative
A resource mentioned at the recent IGWG Fireside Chat event, The Prevention Collaborative is a feminist inspired, data-driven organization working to prevent violence against women in the Global South. Read more about their community, platform, and agenda on their website.Read More
Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers, 2018 Update
A new edition of the Global Handbook has been released. The update includes new recommendations from WHO on intimate partner violence, task sharing, clients with disabilities; a section for human rights; and job aids on pregnancy, pregnancy tests, and birth control options in high-risk HIV areas.Read More
Gender-Based Violence Quality Assurance Tool
The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Quality Assurance Tool offers health care providers, facilities, and program planners a straightforward way to start, strengthen or expand post-GBV health services through the use of evidence-based standards. Download the Tool, Facilitation Guide, Minimum Care Version, French Translations, and Presentations from the Launch Webinar here.Read More