Knowledge about reaching men as clients of family planning services in today’s programming environment is still limited. This paper reviews 47 current activities, programs and evidence that affect men’s use of contraceptive methods. The review includes three methods that men use directly, namely condoms, vasectomy and withdrawal, and one that requires their direct cooperation, namely the Standard Days Method.Read More
Understanding the Male Life Course: Opportunities for Gender Transformation
This concept paper describes a framework that conceptualizes men’s experiences, challenges, and opportunities across the life course. This approach builds on work done by USAID’s Evidence to Action Project, the Interagency Gender Working Group, the Male Engagement Task Force, and others, in addition to efforts in applying a life course approach to women’s health needs. The goal is to provide a common framework for understanding...Read More
Literature Review: Couples Counseling in Reproductive Health
Better Gender Outcomes in Food Assistance Through Complementary and Multi-Modal Programming
This study reviews Food for Peace Emergency Food Security Program and Development Food Security Activity and Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance projects that explicitly or implicitly incorporated gender-focused programming to answer how the design, implementation, and monitoring processes of projects using a combination of modalities can maximize gender outcomes.Read More
The Climate-Gender-Conflict Nexus
Women at the grassroots of the climate-gender-conflict nexus are uniquely positioned to contribute to sustainable natural-resource management, climate-resilient communities, and enhanced peace and stability. This report explores the linkages between climate change, conflict, and gender and demonstrates to policymakers and practitioners that promoting women’s contributions can accelerate gains across peace, conservation, and sustainability.Read More
Bridging the Gap: Emerging Private Sector Response and Recovery Measures for Gender Equality Amid COVID-19
As COVID-19 widens global gender gaps, IFC and UN Women have partnered to showcase a growing number of companies and organizations around the world that are taking action to ensure the economic inclusion and social well-being of their employees, customers, and suppliers, as well as local communities. This report aims to inform companies around the world on emerging practices and initiatives for supporting women employees,...Read More