This digital storytelling video series by the Menstruation Shouts project aims to explore the menstrual health experiences and challenges of healthcare workers working the frontlines of the COVID-19 response in Kenya and Egypt. These videos seek to break the silence on menstruation among adolescent girls and healthcare workers while creating empathy among the general public and motivating program designers and implementers to take immediate action...Read More
Youth and Gender
Ending Violence Against Children and Youth In Kenya
To commemorate the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse on November 19, Together for Girls launched their Kenya storytelling hub. Propelled by the first Violence Against Children and Youth Survey in 2010, Kenya raised awareness, mobilized resources, and prioritized a decade of action to end violence against children. Click through the hub to learn more about the data and meet the inspiring individuals who are working every day to...Read More
Our Gorongosa
This film follows Dominique Gonçalves, a Mozambican ecologist who runs the Gorongosa elephant ecology project at Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, which redefines the identity and purpose of an African national park. From her work mitigating human/elephant conflict; to community clubs and school programs that empower girls to avoid teen marriage and pregnancy; to health clinics and nutrition training for expectant mothers and families, viewers understanding...Read More
Emerging Strategies to Engage Men and Boys in Addressing the Gendered Impact of COVID-19: A Virtual Forum
Hosted by the Interagency Gender Working Group Male Engagement Taskforce Background: The data and reporting are increasingly clear: Men have specific vulnerabilities and roles related to COVID-19, and key gender considerations underpin them. Some of these vulnerabilities and roles relate to men’s health behaviors (such as their comparatively lower use of masks), men’s historically limited roles in caregiving, and increased rates of domestic violence experienced...Read More
From the IGWG Newsletter
Read the latest gender related news.Read More
Raising Kind Boys and Amazing Girls
This five-minute video, cut down from a longer documentary, explores the work of two South African researchers, Rebecca Helman and Kopano Ratele. They have conducted interviews, ethnographic observations, and a survey into gender inequality, equality, and violence. Their work seeks to not only grasp and show how inequality is thought of and manifests in homes, but how egalitarian families understand equality and inequality, do equality,...Read More