This framework outlines steps for a public health and human rights approach to scaling up prevention of violence against women programming, building on the evidence compiled in the UN Prevention of Violence Against Women Framework (2015) and additional systematic reviews. The document’s primary audience is policymakers. Program implementers working on preventing and responding to VAW will also find it useful for designing, planning, implementing, and...Read More
Qualitative Evidence on Barriers to and Facilitators of Women’s Participation in Labour Market Sectors
This systematic review is based on 18 studies exploring the barriers to and facilitators of women’s participation in commercial agriculture, trade, and mining in predominantly sub-Saharan African nations. The review found gender norms established by religious beliefs, tribal governance structures, and the history of communities create significant barriers to women’s economic empowerment and labor force participation in low- and middle-income countries, especially in higher productivity,...Read More
Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Compendium: Practical Guidance for Humanitarian Practitioners
Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) contributes to the prevention or response to gender-based violence (GBV) through economic assistance. This resource focuses on practical guidance in terms of GBV risk mitigation for all humanitarian actors using CVA. It can also be used as an advocacy tool to remind all field-based practitioners, managers, and coordinators about their responsibility for mainstreaming GBV risk mitigation across CVA and sectoral...Read More
Ten Years of Obstetric Fistula Care in Mali: A Case Study of Multisectoral, Holistic Treatment for Women and Girls
In Mali, obstetric fistula is a public health problem. With the support of partners such as USAID, the Government of Mali has made significant progress in the comprehensive management of obstetric fistula. This report explores Mali as a case study for the region and globally, and outlines five key interventions that have led to its great progress in fistula care.Read More
Three-Part Video Series: What Is Gender-Based Violence?
This video series explains gender-based violence (GBV) and increases viewer awareness of it: 1) addresses psychological and economic categories of GBV; 2) provides an overview of physical and sexual forms of GBV; 3) provides an introduction to the steps men and women can take to end GBV, support survivors, and challenge harmful behaviors. Videos and transcripts are available in English, French, and Portuguese and include...Read More
The Very Young Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health and Gender Program Design Guide
This new guide features actionable guidance for designing programs to address gender inequality and sexual and reproductive health among very young adolescents (VYAs). It offers key evidence-based considerations for program design, as well as step-by-step guidance for the selection of target groups, priority outcomes and intervention content and activities, and more. The guide can be used by practitioners creating VYA programs or those desiring to...Read More