The IGWG organizes regular in-person and virtual events where members from around the world can learn from and connect with each other. These events may be thematic, such as a focus on recent research in the GBV field, or dedicated to capacity strengthening, such as integrating participatory and inclusive evaluation and learning methods in gender transformative global health programming. Our annual IGWG Plenary creates space for members to meet in person and provide feedback on the network as a whole each year.

Presentations and recordings of IGWG events are available online so you can find past events you missed or want to revisit. The presentation materials are also available.

(Webinar) Addressing Gender Through Integrated Population, Health, and Environment Approaches

Gender and gender equity play an important role in the health and well-being of people, their environment, and their communities at large. Integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) approaches work to address interrelated challenges, and often address some gender indicators in the process. In this webinar, Kathryn Farley (International Center for Research on Women) will speak about the importance and methods of measuring gender indicators;...

What’s Family Planning Got to Do With It? Intimate Partner Violence + Family Planning Intersectionalities and What We Can Do about Them

Join us at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum in Rio de Janeiro to exchange ideas, network, and learn about what approaches work in linking intimate partner violence and family planning. This satellite event will showcase findings from the Passages Project’s new report, “Exploring the Linkages between Intimate Partner Violence and Family Planning,” and highlight the latest research from Promundo’s Program P. Come ready...

How Can We End Violence Against Women and Girls? What We Need and What We Know

The EU and UN recently launched the Spotlight Initiative, including an initial allocation of Euro 500 million (more than half a billion US dollars) to fight violence against women and girls. How can the impact of this Fund be optimized? What does research and first-hand experience on the ground tell us about what works? And how can it inform policy and political dialogue aimed at eliminating violence against women and girls in all its forms, now and in future?

Not the Usual Suspects: Engaging Male Champions of Women, Peace and Security

The Women in Public Service Project is pleased to welcome Our Secure Future and the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security to the Wilson Center for a public panel conversation on the current level of men's engagement in Women, Peace and Security and what steps we can take together to encourage more male allies to join the movement.

(Online) 6th Annual Virtual Conference on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in Schools

The Annual Virtual Conference on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in Schools enables the global sharing of new ideas and 'lessons learned', and connects people working on MHM in schools in a wide range of countries. This year’s theme "MHM and WASH: Supporting a gender-responsive learning environment" aims to highlight national examples of supportive WASH in schools enabling environments that ensure that schools are ready for...