The important role gender plays in health and overall development has been increasingly recognized in the past decade. This recognition includes several global and US policies and strategies being developed to guide international health and development programming with the aim of addressing gender inequities as a key strategy in attaining improved health and development outcomes. With these important shifts in policy, program design, and interventions comes the need to adapt and align our M&E systems—and more broadly, country health information systems—to capture data to track progress on the implementation of gender strategies, to assess their effectiveness, and inform decisions on how to continue to best implement gender-sensitive health interventions and programs.
In this webinar, MEASURE Evaluation’s Samantha Herrera and Debra Prosnitz, will discuss the importance of applying a gender lens to M&E processes and structures and how to think about gender in the context of the development of an M&E system. We will walk participants through how to think about and address gender in each of the main components of an M&E system, and we will provide guidance on how to integrate gender-specific questions and how to plan and conduct an M&E system assessment. The main aim of this work and the guidelines the presenters have developed is to help build gender-sensitive M&E systems that are able to adequately collect, analyze, and use gender data for improved healthcare decision making.