The Lebanese healthcare system faces multiple challenges including limited capacities, shortage of skilled professionals, and inadequate supplies, in addition to hosting a significant number of refugees. This study aimed to review the maternal health outcomes of disadvantaged Lebanese and refugee pregnant women seeking antenatal care (ANC) services at primary healthcare centers in Lebanon.Read More
Journal Article
Negative Consequences of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence on Survivors: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence
This review provides a gender-inclusive and disaggregated analysis of the adverse consequences faced by survivors of conflict-related sexual violence on their physical, psychological, and social dimensions of health. Barriers to accessing care were presented as emerging findings. The negative outcomes described in more studies were sexual and reproductive health issues, manifestation of symptoms attributable to post-traumatic stress disorder, and stigma.Read More
Sex and Gender in Health Research: Intersectionality Matters
Research policies aiming to integrate sex and gender in scientific studies are receiving increased attention in academia. Incorporating these policies into health research is essential for improving targeted and equitable healthcare outcomes, by considering both disparities and similarities between individuals relating to sex and gender. Although these efforts are both urgent and critical, only an intersectional approach, which considers broad and multidimensional aspects of an individual's identity, can provide a complete understanding of the factors that impact health.Read More
School Health Teachers’ Gender-Sensitive Sexual Health Education Experiences in South Korea
Sexual health education is mandatory in South Korea. However, gender equality, and the rights of sexuality and gender-diverse people are contentious issues in Korean society. This study describes school health teachers’ experiences delivering sexual health education especially in relation to gender equality and the rights of sexuality and gender minorities. Read More
Gender-Based Roles, Psychosocial Variation, and Power Relations During Delivery and Postnatal Care: A Qualitative Case Study in Rural Ethiopia
The World Health Organization strongly encourages men to support women in receiving maternal healthcare. However, especially in developing countries, maternal healthcare has traditionally been viewed as solely a women’s issue. This study aims to understand how gender-based roles, psychosocial variation, and power relations are related to child delivery and postnatal care services.Read More
Do Ask, Do Tell: Improving Health Outcomes for Sexual and Gender Minorities With Cancer
Clinicians, scientists, and researchers are responsible for creating an equitable health-care system for all patients, including sexual and gender minority patients. There are limited studies addressing the unique needs of sexual and gender minority patients with cancer—an issue that continues as the cancer health-care community fails to collect sexual orientation and gender identity data in clinical trials and in clinical practice.Read More